If it resonates with you to donate to help cover some costs with medical bills along with the burial process of her mother and sister, you can do so HERE
Welcome to our monthly Constellation Healing Circle! Shawn and Svetlana will be co-facilitating this powerful group experience inspired by the method of family constellations and energy healing to move the energy of our stories into collective healing. We will be co-creating a sacred space together, share our stories, participate in one group healings and celebrate our time together.
In each constellation healing, we flow with the energy of the group and the theme to co-create custom healing circles. Sometimes we focus on one specific story, while others we work with collective energies or the land. Svetlana magically facilitates the movement of the circle while Shawn provides powerful energetic support for easier flow of energy and healing.
Each month our healing circle will have a specific theme that we will work with in a context of any dynamic (family, relationship, work, house, etc.) that feels alive at the time. Between the constellation process and energy healing held within the group expression everyone receives layers of transformational shifts in their stories in service to the collective.
January circle’s theme: Anchoring your Dreams (exploring your relationship with the creative process of manifestation – I want, I can, I do, I receive). Bring your dreams and experience how to move any stuck energy with group healing.
WHEN: Sunday, Jan 21st, 12-3 pm, snacks & tea provided 3-3:30
WHERE: Charlotte, 28206 NoDa (address provided upon registration)
Space is limited. No previous experience required.
WHAT TO BRING: Water bottle, an item you would like to place on the altar (family photo, crystal, flower, or any other special object related to what you are coming with)
REGISTRATION: Purchase your ticket below by choosing one of the sliding scale that works best for you.
Curious about hosting your own Constellation Healing Circle? Shawn & Svetlana can come to you for a friends/family circle at your location and convenience. Connect to Shawn to learn more.
Meet your guides:
Svetlana Zabolotnaia, originally from Moldova, immigrated to the United States in 2002. Since 2014, the family constellation has become a powerful tool for her own family healing and her way to support others. She brings her vast experience of being part of about 150 group constellations led by a variety of facilitators. She has been facilitating group and individual constellations online and in person, using a variety of methods and tools for about 5 years. With her playfulness and wisdom she intuitively guides such beautiful flow in healing circles.
Shawn McStravick is an intuitive guide, channel and energy healing practitioner that offers loving support to the greater community. She is a wayshower to connect others to the highest version of their multidimensional self, to activate the healer within and anchor the embodiment of your true self in Divine Love.
What others are saying about Constellation Healing Circles:
“There was skepticism at first and the uneasiness about not knowing what I am getting into. I feel like we did a lot of work, like it’s been a journey. I would like to keep the sense of calm and belief that I experienced in going through this. It feels like a big weight that is being lifted. I am grateful that it was a small group as it helped me to open up in a deeper way.” Tricia
“When I started I said I wanted to be here with an open heart and give whatever I had to give. I saw that everyone got something from it and it was a source of power. I am taking with me that I can trust my heart. You showed me that rage can turn into a source of power and passion. At some point in my life, I left myself behind because I needed to survive. I now embrace myself with open arms, accepting everything that I sacrificed, that I endured, that people before me had sacrificed and endured so that I can be here. I feel grateful for the opportunity to carry the torch. I feel very proud of the willingness to face it and see it. I’ve had enough. I can let it go. I can feel something different and I am looking forward to it because I think this is how I’m going to be of greatest service to mankind.” Shuntayzia
“It was interesting to see the structure of the session and how it flowed. The biggest thing I am taking away is the benefit that the entire group does get even if it is specific to one person. I know there was some healing happening in my family because all of that energy felt too personal for it to just be about the collective. I am learning not to create stories around all my feelings and so I am trying to just feel the feelings. I was able to practice that here; feel it, try not to explain it, just feel it.” Tammy
“I felt very connected to representing the woman who brought her story. It was really powerful to experience and to watch how it helped the other woman release emotionally. I felt like it was a really safe container for her to just really drop in, especially because she was new to it. What I played out in her story was actually a part of what helped me with what I was dealing with as well. You both created a lot of safety and a lot of energetic support.” Bodhi
“I read the description of the class, but I still didn’t fully know what to expect. The circle built up to where we slowly got more vulnerable and intimate as it went on. I came with an open mind and by the end, I felt mind blown. I was really immersed in the experience. I felt like we were all healing the community heart together. It was a unique and creative experience to bring people together and really connect and heal on a collective level. It brought a bigger sense of community than I anticipated.” Jes