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We are quickly moving into our last eclipse season of the year September 17-October 2 as well as the Autumn Equinox for those in the Northern Hemisphere on Sept. 22nd. Eclipse season is a portal to beautiful transformational shifts in our lives. As with any transformation, it can feel uncomfortable as we let go of what is no longer serving us to step into the newness of what is longing to come forth. In combination with an Equinox, we are invited to pause and reflect on what we were working on during our last eclipse season & Equinox (March 24-April 8) to honor our journey and complete our lessons learned. Join me in these remote group healings to bring in a more graceful way to play with these energies where you will receive guided meditations, tips on how to move with the energies and journal prompts for you to reflect.

Spirit has asked me to offer remote group healing sessions on a collective level for those feeling they need a little extra support. This will be offered on Mondays Sept 16th, 23th and 30th. During these sessions, I create a crystal grid to hold us all during this time, clear our energetic fields, clear and balance our chakras as well as create a protective shield around everyone. Remote sessions mean you carry on as usual, I do the session remotely and send a follow up email each week within 24 hrs with details of what is done each time, tips on how to move through the specific energy of eclipse season, guided meditations and journal prompts. This is an affordable way to receive some support on your journey and learn how to move with the energies as they come. *If you have a different email other than the one you use to pay within Paypal, please connect with Shawn with your preferred email.

What you can experience:

  • Greater sense of calm and clarity
  • More physical energy
  • Reduction in physical/chronic pain
  • Significant shift in overall being
  • Weight lifted off

*Do remote sessions really work? ABSOLUTELY! I do many remote sessions for my clients with tremendous results saying what a drastic shift they have encountered afterwards. When energy is directed with specific intent and held in a sacred space for the highest good, the effects move beyond time and space.

*How long does the remote healing last? I get this question a lot and the short answer is it depends on the person. This is why I give tips on how to move through the energy yourself to support the frequencies in your body. Taking ownership of your energetic field and Sovereignty is the key!

What others are saying about remote healing: 

“I have experienced profound positive shifts in my well-being through Shawn’s remote energy healing sessions and they have been a game-changer for my family’s well-being too. Recently, her remote energy healing worked wonders for our toddler son during a challenging time. Shawn’s session made a remarkable difference. The transformation was astonishing – our son returned to his joyful, light-hearted self. Shawn’s unique ability to bring about such positive shifts speaks volumes about the efficacy of her remote healing sessions. I wholeheartedly recommend her services for anyone seeking powerful and effective energy healing from the comfort of their own space.” C.H.

“As a healer myself, you would think that when my own energy shifts to a space that does not resonate with who I am, it would be a red flag yet recently, I seemed to go into this space of deafening silence, a disconnect with all that is sacred to me, which was felt throughout my entire being.  There was an inexplicable sadness that was taking over that felt so deep.  Fear absolutely set in as I screamed inside my own mind; “What is happening to me?!”  Shawn managed to clear me, my fields and whatever may have been trapped within in what seemed instantaneous.  This clearing happened so quickly but most importantly.. All of those feelings, every last one of them was gone.  The sadness was non-existent as if it were a bad dream.  I felt open, connected and truly good, my happy space.  I would not hesitate to highly recommend Shawn and her healing magic to move you through such a painful and uncomfortable space.” L.G.

“For a while I had been noticing my youngest son very irritable, defiant, rundown tired by mid morning and unhappy. Nothing in the home had changed in terms of nutrition or routine. My son is homeschooled, so I knew it wasn’t any peer issues with school. I started to noticed that if I woke up achy with neck issues, without saying a word or giving signs of my neck hurting, his neck started to hurt within an hour or so of being with me. We have a tutor coming to our home and if she will come overcharged from home with family issues, my son was a wreck after she’ll leave. Amongst other situations that gave me a clear awareness his issues were spiritual and energy related. I spoke to Shawn about it and she did a remote energy clearing. Since she did the work, my son is a new child. So happy, so full of energy and joy, loving more expressive and over all peaceful. Remote work with Shawn works like a charm!” A.H.


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