Meet your Guides: Ascended Masters

NoDa Yoga Oakhurst 1620 OAKHURST COMMONS DRIVE, STE 301, Charlotte, NC

Ascended Masters are our guides in supporting us on our collective journey of self awareness to release the limitations of the human condition and evolve to higher states of consciousness returning to our Divine Essence. They chose to incarnate on the Earth to “walk in our shoes” with the purpose of working through the limitations of human experiences of suffering, illness and  pain to  transmute their karmic ties for the embodiment of self mastery.

Munay-Ki Rites

Via Zoom NC

The Munay-Ki Rites are beautiful initiations into the "Power of Love", a lineage of Ancient Earth and Wisdom keeper's.  The Rites are given through nine energetic transmissions that re-inform your DNA, enabling you to grow a new body that ages, heals, and dies differently. Open to anyone longing for an intimate spiritual journey of connection to living consciously, quickly transforming your life and dreaming your New World into being.


Meet Your Guides: Ancestors

NoDa Yoga Oakhurst 1620 OAKHURST COMMONS DRIVE, STE 301, Charlotte, NC

We are here because we were born into this world through a lineage of ancestors. In this workshop we will explore our DNA lineage as well as our spiritual lineage to honor all aspects of who we are and where we come from. Acknowledging those that have come before us and honoring their journey opens us to greater freedom of knowing who we are. Our Ancestors hold the key to tremendous healing within as we work through our individual and collective trauma. When we heal our own stories, we are healing all of those that came before us and will come after us, our children’s children. The focus will be one of honoring, ancestral healing remembering where we come as a portal to knowing who we truly are. 

Empath Awakening

NoDa Yoga Oakhurst 1620 OAKHURST COMMONS DRIVE, STE 301, Charlotte, NC

Are you an empath? If you are drawn to this workshop, there is a part of it that is looking for a deeper understanding of how to support yourself. Empaths are awakening to this beautiful gift of connecting to others and unsure of how to actually use it without feeling the weight of the world on our shoulders. There are many ways we can connect with others; physically, emotionally, mentally, etc. yet most of us do not even realize we are doing it until we feel completely overwhelmed. Come explore the inner workings of an empath and how to thrive in connection with yourself and others. 

Online Healing Circle

Via Zoom NC

Join Shawn and Lynn for this monthly Healing Circle as we gather for extensive levels of clearing, healing and alignment. By doing this in a group setting, we are amplifying the energies to best support our soul's journey. This month we will connect with the Divine Love of Source and become one with the frequency of love. These sessions are channeled with our celestial healing team, the Fulcrum of Light. This collective team of Divine Energies come  to support the expansion of our soul essence through a heart centered awakening. They reignite our remembrance of who we really are and our soul's purpose. They bring us to a next level of awareness through experiencing higher frequencies of their fluid light waves that ebb and flow within and throughout all living beings. These ribbons of light connect us beyond our understanding of what we believe to be true and expand beyond the beyond. 

$11.00 – $33.00

Find your Flow Festival

Cabarrus Brewing Company 329 McGill Ave., Concord, NC, United States

Join us Saturday April 1st 2023 for this FREE event to meet & connect with our holistic community! This indoor outdoor event will have classes and workshops throughout the day with local teachers. Offerings range from yoga classes for the whole family, plant & herb talks, self discovery, sound healing, drum circles, dance & more. There will be holistic based vendors, practitioners, food trucks, and coffee! This event is full of so many options to dive deeper into a better connection with you, so you can truly Find Your Flow!

Online New Moon & Womb Healing

Via Zoom NC

In this New Moon circle Shawn will be offering a sacred blessing, The Rite of the Womb where we connect with a lineage of women who have healed themselves from pain and suffering to bring healing to our womb where we can create and give birth to life. This sacred blessing will empower, heal and release old wounds as well as strengthen and support your creative energies.

$11.00 – $33.00

Sacred Circle

NoDa Yoga Oakhurst 1620 OAKHURST COMMONS DRIVE, STE 301, Charlotte, NC

This sacred circle is held with the utmost intention to bring beautiful souls together in community who are searching for more and looking for support on your spiritual journey. When a safe, nurturing environment is created, we are more likely to be vulnerable, work through our challenges together and heal old patterns. These circles are specifically created to help guide a deeper level of knowing ourselves, one another and help us move into a place of living our true selves. This process is sacred, as each circle creates its own unique energy depending on who is drawn together and the level of vulnerability each one brings. Each circle will hold a specific energy depending on the month where we will delve into a topic, explore with engaging conversations, ceremony and guided meditations.

Lion’s Gate Activation

Via Zoom NC

July is the month of change as this powerful Lion's Gate portal starts the end of July, culminating on 8/8 and ends on 8/12 . Our Sun in Leo, the Earth and our Spiritual Sun Sirius align to open up a portal for us to receive light codes for our soul's evolution and create our heart's desires for our highest good.  Join us as we activate the light codes this portal of energy to anchor us into greater love and abundance for our Spiritual New Year! Sit back and relax in your own setting as we gather via Zoom @ 7pm. 

$11.00 – $22.00

Starseed Remembrance

Via Zoom NC

As we awaken into the reality that what we are experiencing in this life is an illusion, our perceptions shift. We begin to see that we are connected to lifetimes far beyond our comprehension. Many of our lifetimes go back to Starseed origins as we have agreed to be here on this magnificent Living Library we call Earth/Gaia at this specific time. While we may have no memory of them, we know that these origins are still held within the cells of our being and are calling us on a journey of exploration and returning to our soul's center.

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