How is everyone BEing after the Eclipse energies? I knew the last two weeks were going to be transformational as they always are during this time, but I didn’t expect how it would play out. Do we every?!  I’m slowly coming out of what felt like a long physical healing process that allowed me to take some much needed space of BEing to redirect and refocus my energy. The eclipse portal literally shakes things up, turning things inside out to show us the direction we are take for the next few months even up to 18 months.

What I am noticing is that from this place of grounded BEing, I am witnessing myself inside a tornado as everything around seems to be falling apart. It can feel rather disorienting at times not knowing what exactly will be left when the winds die down and the dust settles, yet there is a deep sense of peace alongside WTF? My emotions vary depending on whether or not I allow the winds to carry me away or I stay grounded and just observe.

This feels very much what the collective is experiencing at the moment and if you aren’t feeling it, that’s ok too! I’m noticing that everyone is literally experiencing differently depending on what is calling us forth in this present moment. Some of you might feel like complete freedom and celebration is available while others are faring the storm until the dust settles. The invitation is to BE where you are in this moment and allow yourself to flow through it without allowing it to define you or where you are in the process. Rest assured that as the Sun was hidden by the moon in the Solar Eclipse, the light will shine again!