Shaking Things Up!

The energy of August has been all about getting clear on what it is we really want from a heart and soul level. The Lion's Gate was a monumental shift in collective consciousness that invited us to consciously choose the timeline of reality we are wanting to create in our lives. What I am seeing since 8/8 is that whether we consciously chose this or not, we are all still being invited into a conscious choice

By |2024-10-29T18:57:46-04:00September 1st, 2024|Ponderings|0 Comments

Riding the Waves

I'm just back from a magical few days of connecting with some dear friends as well as the Full Moon and flow of the ocean. As we walked the beach on the night of the Full Moon feeling the ocean breeze, listening to the sound of the waves and basking in the light of all her beauty reflecting off the waters; my heart was filled with songs of love and gratitude for these precious moments. The

By |2024-10-29T18:48:13-04:00July 29th, 2024|Ponderings|0 Comments

Finding your Rhythm

It has taken me a hot minute (along with the heat of the summer) to find my rhythm again after being with Mama Shasta. My body began to physically change before I even left and is continuing to shift in beautiful ways to support integrating all the energies from that experience which has called for much rest. Mama anchored some monumental frequencies this time around that has called me into deeper practices of

By |2024-10-29T18:40:03-04:00July 3rd, 2024|Ponderings|0 Comments

Mama Shasta Journey

What a profound journey my friends! Just before I left, I was presented with a beautiful opportunity to go with my heart burst wide open like never before, to truly receive and co-create together with her. There is nothing like lying in the snow under the ancient towering trees with Mama, feeling the rhythms of her heart moving through the body, fostering connection, grounding and healing. She is known as the root chakra of the world and I'm

By |2024-10-29T18:32:11-04:00June 5th, 2024|Ponderings|0 Comments

Grounding our Reality

The dust is finally settling after what felt like the chaotic shifting of timelines and energies from the Eclipse season. I was gifted the opportunity to co-create with these energies over the last month to assist in clearing some deep rooted beliefs and patterns held in my womb that was time to literally leave my body. Now that we are in Taurus season, I'm feeling much more grounded, moving slower to anchor in all that has

By |2024-10-29T18:33:16-04:00May 1st, 2024|Ponderings|0 Comments

Faring the Storms

How is everyone BEing after the Eclipse energies? I knew the last two weeks were going to be transformational as they always are during this time, but I didn't expect how it would play out. Do we every?!  I'm slowly coming out of what felt like a long physical healing process that allowed me to take some much needed space of BEing to redirect and refocus my energy. The eclipse portal literally shakes things up, turning things

By |2024-10-29T18:09:23-04:00April 29th, 2024|Ponderings|0 Comments

Presence & Holding

Over the last couple of months my guides have been asking me to hone my energy towards being more intentional with my presence in order to expand my capacity to hold more space. They said that this year would be one for "HOLDING" because many will be experiencing massive shifts. Many people ask me what it means to "hold space". For me, it means being able to stay within my own Sovereignty and frequency and creating a safe,

By |2024-10-29T18:02:57-04:00February 28th, 2024|Ponderings|0 Comments

Jumping the Chasm

Just the other day I was sitting with a dear friend and she asked me to describe how I was experiencing the energies over the last few weeks and I wanted to share this visual and message with you all. What I sense as a collective is that we have been standing on the edge of a chasm (a narrow, long and deep split in the Earth). We have had a choice point

By |2024-01-11T21:28:16-05:00January 11th, 2024|Ponderings|0 Comments

Upside Down

It feels like everything has been turned upside down the last few weeks, really since Summer Solstice. It's like we are in this time warp where everything seems to speeding up yet also feeling like we are walking through mud as we are shifting major planetary energy. This can create quite a time warp of energy that can feel rather chaotic. Thankfully, I was able to get away to the beach for a few days. I took the

By |2023-08-02T13:46:12-04:00August 2nd, 2023|Ponderings|0 Comments

What is your Sacred Medicine?

Over the last month I've been presented with many opportunities that have brought deeper awareness, cleansing and healing on a cellular level. I call this sacred medicine because whatever we are experiencing in our life can be viewed in 2 different ways; what is happening to me or what is happening for me. We can feel like the world is out to get us everywhere we turn because nothing seems to be going

By |2023-06-20T11:26:42-04:00June 20th, 2023|Ponderings|0 Comments

Mother’s Day Reflections

While I'm not one to celebrate Hallmark holidays mostly to not buy into the consumerism, but also to honor what they represent throughout the year, not just a day I am told to honor it. Call it the rebel in me yet I have found that these days can offer a moment of reflection. Mother's Day is one of those days that mark one of the most tremendous gifts in my healing journey.

By |2023-05-19T00:18:48-04:00May 14th, 2023|Ponderings|0 Comments

Rebirthing our I AM

Today I woke with an awareness of my journey through my life and how I have celebrated this day marked as the resurrection of Jesus. Some of you may or may not  know this about me and how I was a missionary for ten years, yet I feel asked to share about my journey with Christ. I rarely share this because I no longer identify with the mainstream theology I was taught to believe and have not

By |2023-05-19T00:21:15-04:00April 9th, 2023|Ponderings|0 Comments
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