What a profound journey my friends! Just before I left, I was presented with a beautiful opportunity to go with my heart burst wide open like never before, to truly receive and co-create together with her. There is nothing like lying in the snow under the ancient towering trees with Mama, feeling the rhythms of her heart moving through the body, fostering connection, grounding and healing.
She is known as the root chakra of the world and I’m lovingly reminded that in order for our hearts to fully open to receive, we have to feel safe and grounded in our bodies. I’ve talked about this, felt this and lived this to some extent, but this time she took me to a deeper level of creating safe space in my heart and body to open and receive. To experience the depths of pain to bliss, orgasmic connection with all that is while being held in this grounding energy…honestly, no human words can describe this adequately. (There will be more on this later for sure!) My heart has been illuminated with healing rays of light bursting forth with newfound expressions.
She took me on a journey of truly witnessing my many deaths, births and rebirths since first coming to her in November of 2021. In the five times we have been together, this one hit me like none another. It felt like all our work together was coming to an end. At first, my heart ached shedding many tears of not knowing when I would be back with her, yet being home I now realize that her medicine is firmly rooted within me. Her heart, energy and frequency flows in and through me as she is sending me off to explore other Sacred Apus (mountains). So while I’m still integrating all this medicine of Mama Shasta, I am curiously looking towards future journeys to Andean mountains of Peru (the sacral chakra of the world:)!
Will there be another retreat at some with Mama Shasta? Who knows! I would like to hope that possibly in the fall of 2025, yet I haven’t received a definite on that yet. However, if you are curious about the journey with Mama Shasta, check out the quantum healing transmissions offered HERE.