It has taken me a hot minute (along with the heat of the summer) to find my rhythm again after being with Mama Shasta. My body began to physically change before I even left and is continuing to shift in beautiful ways to support integrating all the energies from that experience which has called for much rest. Mama anchored some monumental frequencies this time around that has called me into deeper practices of embodiment so I could actually hold it in my physical body.
Our bodies are the most precious vessel for us to embrace and fully be present so we can anchor in our awareness, the energies supporting our evolution in our true essence for lasting transformation. So many of us have been dissociated from our bodies for one reason or another because we feel it simply has not been safe or is incredibly uncomfortable. One of the most fundamental embodiment practices I began years ago was learning how to cycle with my body’s natural rhythms, specifically my moon cycle.
Before Shasta, I received my cycle early preparing for what was to come. This was the first in the five times I’ve been in Shasta that I was not on my cycle and was curious why my body chose to come early. I had experienced a tremendous amount of womb healing back in March and April and intuitively knew that that it would be a time of co-creating with her as my ovulation would happen during our time together.
Then as soon as I returned, I received my cycle again way early in sync with the New Moon calling me to rest as I was transitioning into deep inner work of integration. Here I am once again sitting with the sacred wisdom of my womb cycling around the New Moon coming up this Friday calling me into the depths of the learning to hear her, love her, nurture her and embrace the dark void of cosmic creation. For it is in this sacred void that we co -create what our soul’s longing.
Why am I sharing all these intimate details that you could probably do without (especially for the guys here:)? Because it is time dear ones to return to the natural rhythms of our body and listen to what it is telling us. It’s time to share sacred wisdom of embodiment practices and finding our back to ourselves.
It doesn’t matter if you associated as a male gendered body, if you have had a hysterectomy, or if you no longer cycle. We all have an energetic womb that lies deep within you and learning to listen to it’s wisdom as we connect with the rhythms of the Moon, Sun, Earth and the elements.
So as we enter the graceful New Moon in Cancer this Friday, I invite you to pause and reflect on what your soul is longing to co-create in this next cycle. We have an alignment with our Sun, our Spiritual Sun (Sirius) and the Moon supporting us during this time as a portal of spiritual awakening between July 2nd-7th. Learn more about the Sirius Gateway HERE.
This surge of energy brings fresh perspectives and actions as we navigate the depths of waters on the back of the Crab that represents Cancer. She takes us back to our heart home for deeper connections with ourselves and others. Perhaps taking a moment to place your left hand on your heart and your right hand over your womb. Taking slow deep breaths focusing on your womb and heart and ask the light of our Suns and the darkness of the Moon to take you where you need to go to for this next cycle.
Curious about finding your own rhythm, reach out to Shawn about the Womb Healing ceremony and embodiment practice.