The dust is finally settling after what felt like the chaotic shifting of timelines and energies from the Eclipse season. I was gifted the opportunity to co-create with these energies over the last month to assist in clearing some deep rooted beliefs and patterns held in my womb that was time to literally leave my body. Now that we are in Taurus season, I’m feeling much more grounded, moving slower to anchor in all that has shifted in my life.

The last three years has been a truly transformational time of being in a karmic relationship that taught me how to explore my masculine/feminine energies, heal karmic wounds, travel through dimensions and timelines, own my Sovereignty and how I choose to show up in the world. Divine timing allowed this process of clearing from my physical body for me to move more into my 5th dimensional chakra energy of grounding in higher versions of myself into my root and calling in more soul aligned, harmonious relationships within my sacral. Some relationships were clear it was time to move on and synchronistically other ones began to come forward.

This is what we are moving towards dear ones, learning how to operate from our 5th dimensional chakra system that supports our evolution of growth rather than living out of our 3rd dimensional survival mode way of doing. Leaving behind the old ways of doing and coming more into alignment with our BEing. If you are a human being alive on this planet at this time, you have access to these chakras to support our individual and collective shift! One of my favorite topics and working on a date to offer this online class soon so keep an eye out!

Perhaps take a moment to reflect on what has shifted in your life from March 19th until today? What is calling you to anchor into your life at the moment? Visualizing light coming from the stars and down through the crown of your head to your heart space. Breathe this light into your heart to open and anchor in the love and wisdom for your highest growth. Then allowing it to move down through your body, out your feet and connecting to the heart of the highest frequency of our Great Mother. Breathe dear one, allow the flow to connect you more to yourself, to the stars and the Earth.