I am just back from the snow mounds of Canada for the last of my hibernation season. Coming back to NC was challenging as I realized it’s time to truly focus on what my soul is longing to co-create and shift into that timeline. I woke up to the glory of this magical tree in my backyard as she waited for me to come home so I could witness her unfolding of beauty. No more going back and forth with my old patterns of what if’s. It’s time to jump full in without hesitation and trust my soul is guiding me into something far more amazing than I can comprehend, to allow myself to unfold as this tulip bud into the fullness of my becoming.

Noticing that the winds have been much stronger than usual the last couple of days, the Sun whiter and brighter since Winter Solstice, all to support us on an elemental level to take this quantum leap. The winds remind us that nothing is permanent and we can open ourselves to allow the winds to blow through us and clear out the cobwebs that still remain. The Sun shines its warmth and light codes gently kissing us to remind us that we are light in or true essence and it’s time for us to shine.

So what’s held me back from co-creating this new timeline? Myself! While in Canada my son and I had the opportunity to explore dogsledding, so much fun! Spirit spoke so strongly to me as I reflected back on this experience with these loving beings to show me how to focus on co-creation. The dogs represent my mind/emotions and all they wanted to do was run. That’s their nature, without caring which direction they were going as long as they were running.

I represented my soul’s true essence as I stood on the back of the sled taking on the duty to guide these beings towards specific directions. I have felt my mind/emotions running like crazy the last few months and while I have many practices of mindfulness, yoga and meditation they would sometimes feel out of control. I would lovingly acknowledge them and allow them to guide me where I needed to go or deeper levels of healing. Yet there are still moments when the old version of myself wants to go down a spiral of thoughts/emotions to keep me in the old timeline. How can I shift into the new timeline?

This is where Spirit stepped in and began to break it down for me. I physically had a difficult time directing the sled because my weight wasn’t enough to stop the dogs in the beginning. I had to fully lean in and trust that in my Sovereignty I could guide the dogs and myself to what my soul is truly longing for.

Rumi says, “Your longing for me is my message to you, all your attempts to reach me are in reality my attempts to reach you.” We are coming to a time of unification of the self, longing to have access to all the parts of ourself return home.

This is not for selfish means, but a coming together for the highest good of all on a collective level. Can I trust my soul to truly guide me, to know when to pause, stop, speed up and simply enjoy the ride? Whether or I understand what I am even longing for or not, when I trust my soul’s guidance the path is always there to show me more of myself. It’s in this co-creation of soul trust and realizing who it is we really want to be that we allow from the heart space to choose the timeline that is for my highest good.

If you find yourself in this space and needing some extra support on your journey, check out the offerings for this month or book a session. You are not alone, we are all here to walk one another home!

With love and gratitude,